== Temporary Registration Code == We sometimes need to give a user access to normally restricted functionality, either within ezFIT or ezHITConfig. Because of this we've adopted a scheme where we can give a user a code that will expire the next day. The code must be programmatically generated and is always an 8 digit hexadecimal string. You can generate a code for the user in 2 ways. # Open the Tools > Options menu of ezFIT 5 with either the developer or QC codes entered. # Go to the following page: [[https://www.audina.net/apps/ezfit-password.php]] The php used to generate a temporary code can be found below. function CalcTempUnlockCode($date) { $day_of_year = $date->format("z") + 1; $year = $date->format("Y"); $temp_code_seed = md5($day_of_year . $year); $full_code = md5("TemporaryUnlock" . $temp_code_seed); return strtoupper(substr($full_code, 0, 8)); }