== Software Development Meeting 2010-Jun-21 == [[ezfit:software_meeting_notes|Software Meeting Notes]] relevant to [[ezfit:5.0 Milestones|ezFIT 5.0 Milestones]]. Attendees: * Paul * Barbara * Steve * Diana * Joel * AJ * Siegwart == Software Review == * Fitting * Graphing review and discussion. * Demonstrated that ComponentOne Chart for WPF can paint regions (for displaying fitting ranges), do spline curves (for targets and response curves), etc. * Arrived to general consensus that this graphing component will do what we need it to provided that the axes can be log scale to match ANSI print standard. * Need to develop Super-controls (for Quick Adjustments screen): * Occlusion management. * Overall gain. * Feeback management tool. * Adaptation manager (Acclimatization). == Suggested Actions == For Barbara, Steve, Glenn, Dale and Paul: * Develop strategies and algorithms for the following: * Prescription * Targets * Autofit/First-fit * Solution Guides * Product & fitting ranges * Quick Adjustments Super-controls * Acclimatization. * Occlusion control. * Meet to discuss and further define above algorithms when Steve is next in town. For AJ: * Setup Priority List for ezFIT 4.x. For Barbara: * Send Glenn audiogram that was trouble fitting from Bekah (Audigence). * Left: 20, 40, 42, 45, 42, 40, 60, 65, 68, 70 * Right: 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 75, 72, 70 * Details: Issue with autofit not matching targets with FLX in a closed dome. From Steve's email: It appears the matching (aka auto adjusting) algorithm works OK for Intuition CICs, Mini Canals, FLX Open, and Sparo Open cases. All others need help The problem is relatively mild for Intuition Canals and Half shell configurations. It gets real bad for I12 FSS and Super 60 cases, and of course FLX OTE (closed), Earhook, as well as Sparo 12 Earhook, OTE closed In all cases the greatest errors are in the low frequency region. In addition to the basic matching requirement (which effects these products in general - especially if someone is counting on the autofit) there is also an additional problem when used with Claraijust. Presently the EQs are not centered in their range after the matching algorithm has done its job. This can cause a problem as the Bump, Tilt and Gain process won't have any adjustment room to do the optimization. I also noticed that there is a receiver model error for the Sparo 12. When the OTE configuration is used with a closed dome the receiver model needs to reflect the increased Low Frequency content, at present it doesn't...it seems to just keep the thin tube Open model in place. For Glenn/Barbara: * Perform NAL-NL1 fitting, and compare for EQ centering matching targets and snapshots. == Completed Actions == == Conclusion == * Next meeting: Jul 05, 2010, 2pm