== Software Development Meeting 2010-Jun-07 == [[ezfit:software_meeting_notes|Software Meeting Notes]] relevant to [[ezfit:5.0 Milestones|ezFIT 5.0 Milestones]]. Attendees: * Marc * Frank * Paul * Barbara * Steve * Joel * AJ * Siegwart == Software Review == * No datalog support. * Switching to different components (moving from Telerik to ComponeOne). * Now there is audiogram support. * Walkthrough of software aw it is at this time. * Paul likes the color change as mouse over. * Fitting screen eliminated the buttons and provided fast info. == Suggested Actions == * Products: * Filter by tabs for different styles. * Filter by technology/environment. * Extra tab with all the check boxes so that you can choose multiple styles and technology for filtering. * Product specs. * Product image. * Fitting ranges overlayed with the patient audiogram. * Fitting: * Quick Adjustments. These need to be fine tailored: * Super controls. * Adaptation manager. * Occlusion manager. * Gain/Equalizers: Come up with a way to demo both right and left. These are not standard controls, so they would probably have to be coded. * Link for memories needs a new term for same side memory link. Perhaps highlight the memories that you want to link. * Curves: * Right ear or left ear for fitting. That is a fitting selection versus a display selection. * Simultaneously display 2 different curves for the same ear. * Get formulas for pure tone threshold average 2 and 3 freq to Sieg (Barbara action). * Allow dumping of chart datapoints to compare with Verifit (for our purposes). * User Interface: * Design graphical interface, then add functionality to it. It is possible for Marketing to create images, colors, and theme, then these can be added to the controls. * Obtain screen shots from other manufacturers: * Sebotek (Steve & Marc action). * Other manufacturers (Barbara & Paul action). * Use of icons for representing buttons. Need coordination with marketing for overall look and feel (colors, etc). * To discuss: * Directional support: how are we going to display polar plots, etc. Thoughts: put it so that it displays over current chart. * Review options to handle all the compression data. * Clarujust access still in debate. * Solutions: patient information acclimatization * Need to figure out the best implementation of acclimatization * Review where to place factors that impact the fitting such as: * Hearing aid configuration * Dome type * Tubing style * Patient information * Acclimatization level * Pre-fitting information * Graphing component: * Make data sets for graphing purposes. (Steve action) * Review graph splines support: (AJ action) * Does it have what we need for displaying the graphs for the various product and components? == Completed Actions == * Fitting: * Rename Autofit to First Fit? --- //[[smayr@audina.net|Siegwart Mayr]] 2010/06/18 17:10// * If no information is in there when the provider goes to do an autofit, a box pops up to gather that information (which will populate back to that pre fitting info). --- //[[smayr@audina.net|Siegwart Mayr]] 2010/06/18 17:10// * Graphing component: * Scaling. Steve proposes to follow [[ezfit:ANSI:ANSI S3.22 Hearing Aid Test Standard]] (Section 6.1). * User Interface: * Scale back/remove pink change background to pink. --- //[[smayr@audina.net|Siegwart Mayr]] 2010/06/18 17:10// * Primary Priorities: * Basic functionality for instrument fitting. * Support for a subset of instruments: * Flx * Intellio * Intuition 12 * Sparo 12 * Secondary Priorities: * Support for additional products (need to review product list required). * Support for Languages: * Localization not for April 2011 release. Scheduled for Dec 2011. * It is a fairly complex process. * Tools will be built for the translation portion to be handled. * If localization is a top priority requirement, then we would need to address this issue. * How quickly would it be to implement it after that? * Support for Skins/Themes: * Priority is set for the Dec 2011 release. == Conclusion == * Next meeting: Jun 21, 2010, 2pm * Chart graphing = priority * Naming: * Functionality * Workflow * Ex. Read instrument button * Search database by patient name, serial number etc. * Priority list * Ex. Language localization * Need to rethink on how to do this and be able to edit in an easy manner * Is there a better way than Multilizer for localization? * web people and marketing design input