== Protocol: Bilateral Audigence-Audina Trial (for Dummies) == === Session 1 (projected dates: 4/27/2009-5/8/2009) === # Hearing test (tymps, audio – air, bone, SRT, WRS) # Modified Listening Situation Questionnaire & modified APHAB with current HAs # Outcome measures with currents HAs bilaterally in soundfield * Calibrate with BKB Cal tone * 1 trial list of BKB-SIN, then 4 test lists (2 pairs) of BKB-SIN + 1 list of CNC words/phonemes) presented at 60 dB SPL (49 dB on the dial) through Clarujust Sound Player function: * BKB-SIN: sentence in L speaker, noise in L/R # Obtain Clarujust scores on current HAs at 60 dB SPL (do not connect HAs to Clarujust) * Calibrate Clarujust using Sound Calibration function (1K scaled) * Record 60 SPL presentation level in Sound Calibration window * Present 1 set (14 phonemes) in quiet as a trial * Present 1 set in quiet with current HAs * Present further sets until 50% SNR breakdown point is found # Clarujust scores measured without any hearing instrument at 60 dB SPL * In quiet * At 50% breakdown SNR level * If they need higher than +6 SNR to get 50% just record the score at a + 6 SNR # Real Ear measurements (Speechmap in 3 settings: 1. no HA, 2. HA in but off, 3. HA on) * Insert USB memory stick and set Verifit to save XML data * Press SETUP and pick PRINTING * Pick PRINT TO USB FILE * Press SETUP * Pick SESSION * Pick ENABLE FILE BASED DATA EXCHANGE * Pick USB DRIVE and Continue * Run Tests – Speechmap “carrots” at 55dB, 65dB, 75dB, MPO in 3 settings * Press SESSION and pick ERASE ALL DATA and Select STORE SESSION TO FILE and Continue * Transfer XML data to study laptop and email data to Steve # Earmold impressions if necessary * Send earmold impressions to Audina # Send all audiometric information (and earmolds in applicable) to Audina to order HAs === Session 2 (projected dates: 5/11/2009-5/22/2009) === # Audina will Autofit the instruments to subject’s audio (Single Memory, NR will be turned off, Directional mics off) # Obtain Clarujust scores with Autofit at 60 dB SPL (do not connect HAs to Clarujust) * Calibrate Clarujust using Sound Calibration function (1K scaled) * Record 60 SPL presentation level in Sound Calibration window * Present 1 set (14 phonemes) in quiet as a trial * Present 1 set in quiet with current HAs * Present further sets until 50% SNR breakdown point is found # Real Ear measurements (Speechmap in 3 settings: 1. no HA, 2. HA in but off, 3. HA on) * See #6 above for detailed procedure === Session 3 (two weeks after Session 2. Projected dates: 5/26/2009-6/12/2009) === # Outcome measures with Audina Autofit HAs bilaterally in soundfield * Calibrate with BKB Cal Tone * 1 trial list of BKB-SIN, then 4 test lists (2 pairs) of BKB-SIN + 1 list of CNC words/phonemes) presented at 60 dB SPL (49 dB on the dial) through Clarujust Sound Player function * BKB-SIN: sentence in L speaker, noise in L/R # Listening Situation Questionnaire & modified APHAB with Audina HAs # Read instruments settings using ezOrange and save snapshot to file * Steve will send – should not need to ever go into ezOrange screen except to go save to file # Run optimization bilaterally for 20 minutes at medium level (60 dB SPL or 49 dB on the dial) * * * Calibrate Clarujust using Sound Calibration function (1K scaled) * Record 60 SPL presentation level in Sound Calibration window * Present 14 phoneme sets to determine subject’s 50% SNR breakdown point * Select 50% breakdown test number as new Baseline * Unflag all previous tests not done at this presentation level, SNR and on these instruments * Record test number for new baseline and optimized maps * Run optimization bilaterally for 20 minutes at loud level (80 dB SLP or 69 on the dial) * * * In Sound Calibration window, note 80 dB SPL as presentation level * Present 14 phoneme sets to determine subject’s 50% breakdown point * If their percentage is >50% at -3 SNR just record the score at -3 SNR. # Save snapshot of settings to file # Set compression and bump, tilt & gain based on optimization from the best performance at 60 dB SPL # Real Ear with optimized setting * See Session 1, #6 for detailed procedure === Session 4 (two weeks after Session 3. Projected dates: 6/9/2009-6/26/2009) === # Outcome measures with Audina HAs with Opt 1 bilaterally in soundfield * Calibrate with BKB Cal Tone * 1 trial list of BKB-SIN, then 4 test lists (2 pairs) of BKB-SIN + 1 list of CNC words/phonemes) presented at 60 dB SPL (49 dB on the dial) through Clarujust Sound Player function * BKB-SIN: sentence in L speaker, noise in L/R # Listening Situation Questionnaire & modified APHAB with Audina HAs # Read instruments settings using ezOrange and save to file * Steve will send – should not need to ever go into ezOrange screen except to go save to file # Run optimization bilaterally for 20 minutes at medium level (60 dB SPL or 49 dB on the dial) * * * Calibrate Clarujust using Sound Calibration function (1K scaled) * Record 60 SPL presentation level in Sound Calibration window * Present 14 phoneme sets to determine subject’s 50% SNR breakdown point * Select 50% breakdown test number as new Baseline * Unflag all previous tests not done at this presentation level, SNR and on these instruments * Record test number for new baseline and optimized maps Is there some way this could be saved automatically in Audigence? # Run optimization bilaterally for 20 minutes at loud level (80 dB SLP or 69 on the dial) * * * In Sound Calibration window, note 80 dB SPL as presentation level * Present 14 phoneme sets to determine subject’s 50% breakdown point * If their percentage is >50% at -3 SNR just record the score at -3 SNR. # Save snapshot of settings to file # Set compression and bump, tilt & gain based on optimization * Exactly how? Do we “Save to HI” from Clarujust after reselecting parameters from best performance at 60 dB HL? Do we need to use any functions in ezOrange? # Real Ear with optimized setting * See Session 1, #6 for detailed procedure === Session 5 (one month after Session 3 or 4. Projected dates: 6/26/2009-7/12/2009 or 7/9/2009-7/26/2009): === # Listening Situation Questionnaire & modified APHAB with Audina HAs Opt 2 # Run Outcome measures bilaterally (1 trial list of BKB, then 4 test lists/1 list of CNC) * Calibrate with BKB Cal tone * 1 trial list of BKB-SIN, then 4 test lists (2 pairs) of BKB-SIN + 1 list of CNC words/phonemes) presented at 60 dB SPL (49 dB on the dial) through Clarujust Sound Player function * BKB-SIN: sentence in L speaker, noise in L/R # Real Ear with current settings * See Session 1, #6 for detailed procedure # Set hearing aids to subjects preferred settings ''* * Prior to each optimization find SNR level for ~ 50% phonemes correct''