== ezFIT 5.0 Milestones == * [[ezfit:Software Meeting Notes]] * [[http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0As_k9Ocg4ZvydHVmWmFweFpkMklhRFF4R000SURiUkE&hl=en&authkey=CN-_wpYE#gid=0|ezFIT Software Bug/Fix Log]] (GoogleDoc) * [[http://www.audina.net/support/bugs|ezFIT Software Bugtracker]] * [[\\Fileserver\documents and software\Audiology\Software Related\ezFIT 5 comments & changes beginning 3-2011.xlsx|ezFIT 5 Comments/Changes (\\Fileserver\documents and software\Audiology\Software Related\ezFIT 5 comments & changes beginning 3-2011.xlsx)]] === Priority List (Revised May 05, 2011) === ==== Release 1 ==== ^ Phase ^ Tentative Date ^ Status ^ Milestones ^ Description ^ | 1 | Apr 30, 2011 | Completed | Product Support: Cue, Flx, Intuition12, Sparo12. | | | 1 | Apr 30, 2011 | Completed | Targets: Formula 2006 v.2. | | | 1 | Apr 30, 2011 | Completed | Product Simulation. | | | 1 | Apr 30, 2011 | Completed | Data Binding: Charts. | | | 1 | Apr 30, 2011 | Completed | Database Support: Patient | | | 1 | May 30, 2011 | Completed | Instrument Linking. | | | 1 | May 30, 2011 | Completed | Data Binding: Advanced Controls (existing). | | | 1 | May 30, 2011 | Completed | Custom Parameters (Ethos circuit) for advanced controls. | | | 1 | May 30, 2011 | Needs Testing | Autofits (existing environments). | | | 1 | May 30, 2011 | Completed | Super Controls. | | | 1 | Jun 30, 2011 | | Memory Copy. | | | 1 | Jun 30, 2011 | | Memory Linking. | Delayed to after Apr 2012 (perhaps Jul 2012), to streamline project. | | 1 | Jun 30, 2011 | | Database Support: Fitting Sessions. | | | 1 | Jun 30, 2011 | | Database Support: Import Parameters to Instrument. | | | 1 | Jun 30, 2011 | | Database Support: Import/Export Patient / Fitting Session for migration. | | | 1 | Jun 30, 2011 | | Testing: Instrument Read/Write. | | | 1 | Jul 30, 2011 | | Fitting Reports. | | | 1 | Jul 30, 2011 | | Testing: Software Functionality. | | | 1 | Aug 30, 2011 | | Testing: Fitting Reports. | | ==== Release 2 ==== ^ Phase ^ Tentative Date ^ Status ^ Milestones ^ Description ^ | 2 | Nov 30, 2011 | | Noah Support. | | ==== Release 3 ==== ^ Phase ^ Tentative Date ^ Status ^ Milestones ^ Description ^ | 3 | Feb 27, 2011 | Delayed | Solutions Guide. | Delayed to after Apr 2012 (perhaps Jul 2012), to streamline project (per Paul). Replace functionality with Super Controls --- //2011/06/23 16:30 Software Meeting// | | 3 | Feb 27, 2011 | | Product Support: Intuition 2ER. | Request to add support for Intuition 2+, Intuition 2FC+ as well. (Paul Bryant on --- // 2011/06/23 16:30// Software Meeting) | | 3 | Feb 27, 2011 | Done | Localization Support. | | | 3 | Feb 27, 2011 | | Localization: German. | | | 3 | Feb 27, 2011 | Done | Localization: Spanish. | | | 3 | Feb 27, 2011 | | Undo History. | | ==== Release 4 ==== ^ Phase ^ Tentative Date ^ Status ^ Milestones ^ Description ^ | 4 | Mar 30, 2012 | | Product Support: Intuition 4+/AD, Sparo AD. | | | 4 | Mar 30, 2012 | | Product Support: Scenic, Rhythm (3229 (Trimmer) / 3231 (NR)). | | === Priority List (Revised Feb 14, 2011) === ^ Phase ^ Tentative Date ^ Status ^ Milestones ^ Description ^ | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Support for products: Cue, Flx, Intuition12, Sparo12.| | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Targets: Formula 2006 v.2| | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Autofits: Existing environments.| | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Memory Copy.| | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Product Simulation. | | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Data Binding: Charts. | | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Data Binding: Advanced Controls (existing). | | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Database Support: Patient | | | 1 | Apr 2011 | | Database Support: Fitting Sessions | | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Solutions Guide.| | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Noah Support.| | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Localization: German. | | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Reports. | | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Support for products: Scenic, Intuition 4+/AD, Sparo AD. | | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Instrument/Memory Linking. | | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Undo History. | | | 2 | Apr 2012 | | Super Controls. | | === Priority List (Rev 2010-12-01) === ^ Phase ^ Milestones ^ Tentative Completion Date ^ Status ^ Description ^ | 1 | Skeleton Framework | Mar 30, 2010 | Completed | | | 1 | Custom Library Wrappers | Apr 30, 2010 | In Development | Add support for custom libraries (Intricon, Sound Design). | | 1 | Prototype: Graphical User Interface & Instrument Engine | May 26, 2010 | Completed | UI includes Layout and Functionality. | | 1 | Prototype: Revision Graphical User Interface | Jun 07, 2010 | In Development| | | 1 | Prototype: Revision Graphical User Interface | Aug 02, 2010 | In Development| | | 1 | Custom Branding | Aug 09, 2010 | Completed | | | 2 | Prototype: Preliminary Noah Support | Aug 16, 2010 | | | | 2 | Database Support | Aug 30, 2010 | | | | 2 | Prototype: Noah Support | Sep 27, 2010 | | | | 2 | Prototype: Lib Integration | Oct 11, 2010 | | | | 2 | Prototype: Database Design | Oct 25, 2010 | | | | 2 | Prototype: Priority List | Nov 08, 2010 | | | | 2 | Prototype: Review | Nov 22, 2010 | | | | 3 | Algorithms | Jan 03, 2010 | | Super-controls, Prescriptions (Targets), Autofits, Solutions Guide, Acclimatization, Product Specs & Ranges. These features need to be developed in conjunction with Engineering and Audiology. | | 3 | Implement Revised Design & Knowledge from Prototypes | Nov 30, 2010 | | | | 4 | Reporting | Dec 30, 2010 | | | | 5 | Testing | Apr 01, 2011 | | | | 6 | Non-critical Functionality Support | Dec 30, 2011 | | Product Ordering, Security/Privacy support, Environmental Sounds, Localization, etc. | == Phase 1-5 == Products to Deliver: * Intuition 12 * Sparo 12 * Flx * Intellio * NOTE: Intuition 2 & 4 product families would not be added. These would require customers to use ezFIT 4.x. Subsystems to Deliver: * Patient Data * Contact Information * Audiological Data * Circuit Manipulation & Interface * Fitting * Targets * Charting * Autofit * Fitting Solutions Guide * Datalogging * Import/Export (file or database) * Journal & Related Files * Reports * Product List & Fitting Range * NOAH support * NOAHlink support * Speech Optimizer (Clarujust) support === Deliverables === Phase 1 ^ Milestone ^ Deliverable ^ Description ^ | Skeleton Framework | Source code checked into source control repository. | | | Custom Library Wrappers | Custom libraries (Intricon, Sound Design). | | | | Application to test reading and writing to instruments. | | | Prototype: Graphical User Interface & Instrument Engine | Application with basic layout and functionality. | | Phase 2 ^ Milestone ^ Deliverable ^ Description ^ | Database Support | Source code with database support. | | | | Application to test reading and writing to database. | | | Prototype: Noah Support | Source code with Noah support. | | | | Application to test reading and writing to Noah database and API. | | Phase 3 ^ Milestone ^ Deliverable ^ Description ^ | Algorithms | Targets documentation, and library source code. | | | | Application demonstrating Target functionality. | | | | Prescriptions documentation, and library source code. | | | | Application demonstrating Prescription functionality. | | | | Autofits documentation, and library source code. | | | | Application demonstrating Autofit functionality. | | | | Speech Optimizer documentation, and library source code. | | | | Application demonstrating Speech Optimizer functionality. | | | | Solutions Guide documentation, and library source code. | | | | Application demonstrating Solutions Guide functionality. | | | Implement Revised Design & Knowledge from Prototypes | Application with all required changes applied. | | Phase 4 ^ Milestone ^ Deliverable ^ Description ^ | Reporting | Library source code. | | | | Application demonstrating Reporting functionality. | | Phase 5 ^ Milestone ^ Deliverable ^ Description ^ | Testing | Unit Tests, Test Cases, and Test Instruments. | | == Phase 6 == Products to Deliver: * New products. Subsystems to Deliver: * Office (Patient Scheduling) * Patient Hearing Profile * Product Ordering * Environmental Sounds * Troubleshooting System (step-by-step) * Localization * Customization * Security/Privacy support === Deliverables === Phase 6 ^ Milestone ^ Deliverable ^ Description ^ | Non-critical Functionality Support | Product Ordering, Security/Privacy support, Environmental Sounds, Localization, etc. | | | | Application demonstrating Product Ordering functionality. | |